The Grand Adventure, part 1

I know, I know.... it has been a LONG time since my last post.... I won't go into all the details, but things have been very busy for me, and, I guess I got a bit lazy.... But, Lest you think that all I do is work on Dulcinea, I figured a couple of posts are in order that show me actually sailing her! When I bought her, I mentally made a goal that I wanted to cruise the San Juan Islands, Particularly Sucia, the "Crown Jewel" of the San Juans. At that time, it seemed pretty far fetched, and a long way to go on a single handed trip, but none the less, it stayed in the back of my mind. This summer (2014), I decided to make it a reality! Now, the first thing you should know about this summer's sailing season is that I was not on Dulcinea a great deal, due to major Upgrades to 2 critical systems at work, and my being cast in "young Frankenstein", the summer production at Tacoma Musical Playhouse. I don't normally do summer shows, but I couldn't re...