Getting Aquainted Part 2
Foulie Bibs.... Score! So the second day started with an inventory of everything that came with the boat... and there was quite a bit of it! (as usual, click on any picture to see a bigger version of it...) the first thing I found were a pair of Foulie bibs, so I just had to try them on, and lo and behold, they fit! Sweet! Vacuum and Stuff... Random orbit Sander Next was a couple of items that were stored in the Sea Berth (the berth on the starboard, basically under the cockpit. in one box was a small vacuum cleaner and some odds and ends of hoses and the like. In the other container was a random orbit sander, which will really come in handy, as I forsee a coat of bottom paint and some work on the deck fixing some small areas that have delaminated, in my near future. Next I looked around the Galley, some coffee cups, various cleaning products, dish soap, chrome cleaner and the like. The top d...