Table Face Lift

The Table on my Catalina 30 was in Great shape, being that it was only 36 years old. Only a couple of small chips in all that time. The problem was.... It was UGLY, and dark. I am sure that in it's heyday, the simulated wood grain Formica was all the rage, but Today, not so much. So, time for a face lift. Being that the existing Formica was WELL ADHERED to the Particle Board, I figured that I could apply the new Formica over the existing, provided I prepared it properly. So, The first thing I had to do was deal with the chips so I could get a level surface to put the new Formica on. So I just squared out the chipped areas, then cut a patch from some scrap Formica and glued it in. The tools needed for Prepping the table. Notice I have already applied a patch on the right. The Offending chip Use a straightedge and a Stanley Knife to score the Formica . Next, use a Chisel to go all the w...