The Third Annual family get-together, watch the Air show, eat, then watch the fireworks on the fourth extravaganza!

Mt. Rainier in the background, My Sister's decorations in the foreground... So for the third time in as many summers as I have owned Dulcinea, I have talked my family into coming out with me to watch the Air Show and the fireworks, but this year we did it with a twist. Since the 4th fell on a Saturday, and we all had Friday off as well, My Sister (1 of 4) and brother in law decided we would spend the 3rd on the hook off of Vashon Island, then we would come in on the 4th to pick up the rest of the family, go out and watch the air show, then come in, eat and then go to Quartermaster Harbor, drop the hook and watch the fireworks and come back in on Sunday. My Sis and Bro in law so we headed out on Friday to a little anchorage on the east side of Maury Island. We were in no hurry so we sailed all the way there, even though the winds were fairly light and Variable And along the way the Views were pretty great! we saw quite a few of these...