Some more Firsts...

You know, keeping a Blog is HARD!  I blinked and it has been a month or so since my last post!  I have been too busy having fun on the boat... I will TRY to do better.... but no guarantees!  LOL...

My Friend, Colleen ready to go
    I wanted to write about the next Sailing I had, as there were a couple of firsts involved.  It was a really nice day for a sail, so my friend and Vision Quest Workout buddy, Colleen came out for a sail.  the first thing I needed to do was get some diesel.  This is something I had never done before, so this was gonna be an adventure... I didn't have to go too far, the fuel dock is just about 50 feet from my slip.

This is Ben, the Fuel Guy!

I have to give Kudos to Ben, the Fuel guy at the Foss Harbor Marina. He was right there to take the bow line and stern line, and most importantly, After I had admitted to never doing this before, to have the patience to work with me and explain all of the do's and don'ts, while making me feel at ease.   Again, just plain old good customer service from the Foss Harbor Marina! I learned a couple of things along the way:

1.  the Fuel guy cannot pump your fuel... you must do it.  That makes sense if you think about it, from a liability standpoint... Gas in the Diesel, or vice versa, can make for a really bad, and expensive situation.  Better to let the boat owner fill their boats.
2. If you pump the diesel into your tank too fast, it will foam up and out onto your deck.  It is a  girly Pink color...  Fortunately Ben was right there with the absorbent pads.  Pump the Diesel nice and slow...
3.  I have a 12 gallon tank... I think...

Then it was out to commencement Bay. The new Tiller worked and looked GREAT!  the new GPS worked like a champ, although there will be a learning curve to learn all of the ins and outs of it.  We had a really great sail with some pretty good wind for quite a while, as evidenced in the following videos.

All in all it was a pretty good day!  I got the new tiller installed, the new GPS installed, and had a good sail!  what else could you want?  oh!  how about coming back into the slip PERFECTLY the first try! Sweet!

First Sail with new Tiller
First Sail with new GPS
First time getting Diesel
First Time getting into the Slip in one try.


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